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Antonio Meccariello

Fatto a Mano

Experience the superior fit and comfort of the Antonio Meccariello bespoke shoes, tailored to your unique style.

Antonio Meccariello shoe

One of the key features of the Antonio Meccariello brand is its bespoke service. Clients are given the opportunity to choose the type of shoe shape they would like, as well as the heel shape and height, and the final design of their shoes. This allows for a truly unique and personalized product that is tailored to the individual client's needs and preferences.

Antonio Meccariello is a bespoke shoe crafting brand located in Naples, Italy. The brand is renowned for creating handmade shoes of exceptional quality, with unique designs, beautiful patinas, and exquisite curves. Antonio Meccariello himself is considered one of the best shoemakers of our time, and he has gained a reputation for producing some of the most beautiful and luxurious shoes available today.

Originally, the Meccariello family hailed from a small town near Benevento, which was known as an important hub for shoemakers in the 1950s. This rich heritage is reflected in the high-quality craftsmanship of Antonio Meccariello shoes. Each pair is made using traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations of Italian shoemakers, ensuring that every detail is perfect.

Antonio Meccariello boots

Antonio Meccariello uses only the finest materials in the crafting of its shoes. The brand offers a range of leathers from some of the most famous tanneries in France, Germany, and Italy, including Annonay, Du Puuy, Freudenberg, and Ilcea. These leathers are carefully selected for their quality, durability, and beauty, ensuring that every shoe produced by the brand is of the highest possible standard.

The attention to detail and craftsmanship that goes into every pair of Antonio Meccariello shoes is truly impressive. The brand's shoemakers take great care to ensure that each shoe is perfectly balanced, with a comfortable fit that will last for years to come. This dedication to quality and excellence has made Antonio Meccariello a favorite among shoe enthusiasts and collectors around the world.


The Aurum shoes are constructed exactly like the bespoke shoes and utilizing the same quality materials for the internals as well as the same prime cuts of leather for the upper of the shoe.


The insole of the shoe is more finely shaped to be as tight as possible to the waist and sole of the last. This allows for the sole to be as tight as possible to the upper so that when viewing from the shoe from the top, the sole is barely visible, and for the waist of the sole to be as tight and as closed as possible.

The toe puffs and heel counters are more finely skivved (edges thinned) so as not to interrupt the shape of the last.  The finishing of the shoe is also more painstakingly detailed such as the shaping of the heel to the upper and the pricking of the welt stitches.

Aurum: Model Numa

Aurum: Model Numa

Aurum: Model Corvus

Argentum - Handwelted Shoe

Made in the traditional shoemaking method, by stitching the welt directly to a thicker insole.


In fact, the traditional method of making handwelted footwear.


There is no glued on linen holdfast/feather that the upper and welt is stitched to.


There is direct leather to leather connection.

Aurum - Model Corvus

Aurum: A two eyelet derby.

Aurum: A two eyelet derby.


Antonio Meccariello - Bespoke Shoes

The clients can choose the type of shoe shape they would want, heel shape and height, and the final design of their bespoke shoes. 

Antonio Meccariello can offer his clients most leathers from famed tanneries such as Annonay and Du Puuy of France, Freudenberg of Germany, Ilcea of Italy.

If you are looking for a truly unique and luxurious pair of shoes, look no further than Antonio Meccariello. With its bespoke service, exceptional craftsmanship, and use of only the finest materials, this brand is sure to impress even the most discerning of customers.

The Antonio Meccariello shoes are not just a fashion statement, they are a reflection of your personality and style.

Antonio Meccariello Craftsmanship - Shoes and Accessories

Looking for the perfect shoe care products to keep your footwear looking great and lasting longer? Look no further than A. Mulard! Our high-quality polishes, conditioners, protectors, and cleaners are specially formulated to protect and nourish your shoes, helping them to stay looking their best for years to come. Whether you need to restore the shine to your favorite leather shoes, protect your boots from the elements, or simply keep your sneakers looking clean and fresh, A. Mulard has the perfect solution for you. With easy online ordering and fast shipping, it's never been easier to keep your footwear in top condition. Don't wait - click now and experience the A. Mulard difference!

*The Origin of the published photo's can be found on the internet

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Paolo Scafora - Brown Derby Shoes

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Meccariello's shoes are handcrafted using traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations of Italian shoemakers. 

Antonio Meccariello - Brown Derby Shoes

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Get ready to walk with confidence and style - A. Mulard's shoe care products will make sure your shoes look and feel their best every day.

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