Choosing the right outfit for a magical Ceremonial or Wedding day
You are looking forward to an unforgettable wedding! Time to look for the wedding suit and accessories that match the wedding style.
Formal or informal, the season or the location, are details that help determine the groom's bridal outfit.
Morning dress, dress suit, tuxedo or a three-piece suit.
Three-Piece Suit
A chic three piece suit is an option that finds its way between style and tradition and has a more contemporary look. A three piece suit gives you a lot of choice when it comes to variations in colors and fabrics, depending on the type of wedding or season.
Tuxedo is a choice for those planning a formal evening wedding. The classic tuxedo with waistband and shawl or pointed lapels always accompanied by a silk bow tie.
Morning Dress Suit
When it comes to formal weddings that require a morning suit, the traditional (and most worn) style is a classic black robe and cashmere striped trousers, a beautiful look that lives up to tradition.
Classic Fit Tailcoat Tuxedo
A tailcoat is an option which should be worn because your tradition strictly demands it. Morning coats are for the UK for the early day weddings.