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Italian Wine Collection - Soave


This luxury Como silk pocket square is from our Italian Wines collection, inspired by the fine wine Soave. In the Italian wine collection, each design is inspired by a unique Italian wine. Based on the type of wine, the pattern of each design is created and then a color palette is created for each aroma. This gives each wine type its own unique pocket square pattern in different colours.


  • 100% high quality Italian silk;
  • Made in Italy in the famous Como Region
  • Hand Rolled Edges
  • 42 cm x 42 cm
  • Care instruction: Dry clean
  • With every purchase you will receive our "How to fold a pocket square" drawing


+ Request info

If you want additional or special information on this product, do not hesitatie to ask for it.


+ Shipping Conditions

Almond Soave - Como Silk Pocket Square - Italian Wine Collection

  • This product will be shipped in a Sera Fine Silk gift box with a personalized message on letterheaded paper Elegant Lifestyle by tBridgeC.

    Send us the following information with your purchase order:

    • text of your message
    • receiver's name
    • delivery address for your gift
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